Information and measurement system for diagnostic parameters of electric motors under conditions of destabilizing factors




measurement, measurement system, neural network, destabilizing factors, torque, electric motor, noisy signal


The article is devoted to the development of an information and measurement system for detecting anomalies in the operation of electric motors, which integrates the methods of measuring the rotational moment and shaft speed. The main focus of the work is on the use of a neural network of the Autoencoder type, which is used to identify anomalous signals in noise conditions and under different loads on the electric motor shaft.

Experimental studies using this approach are presented, demonstrating its ability to detect deviations caused by sudden changes in load, as well as to identify anomalies in different modes of electric motor operation. Such a system contributes to increasing the reliability of electric motors and opens the way to optimizing the processes of their operation.

The methodology of measuring the torque, which was used when obtaining the characteristics at the time of acceleration of the electric motor, is presented.

The research results can be used to develop diagnostic equipment for electric motors.


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