Analysis of some well-known models of information spread in social networks in the aspect of information warfare
social network, information dissemination, information influence, distribution modelsAbstract
Social networks have become an almost indispensable source of information and communication in the daily life of millions of people. From the birth of the concept in the 1950s, they have come a long way from defining certain social groups by interests to modern Internet platforms, with the prospect of further development to meta-platforms. With its development, social networks have become the main platform for the distribution of various information and one of the main factors of influence on society during election processes, revolutionary events and military conflicts. In order to conduct an information campaign or defend oneself in social networks, it is necessary to understand the principles of information dissemination in them.
On the basis of the analysis of models of information distribution in social networks, the most key ones have been selected. The following models of information dissemination in social networks are considered in the study: Model of viral distribution (SIR), SEIR model; Independent Cascade model; Wide-Spread Model; Influential Users Model. The results of the analysis made it possible to assess the suitability of these models for solving the problems of managing informational and psychological influence.
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