Model of ontological-relational data storage for the functioning of a cloud SIEM system
database, database management system, SIEM, ontology-relational model, SQL, NoSQL, NewSQL, load balancing, data replicationAbstract
Information security event management systems (SIEM) are widely used to prevent information loss in computer systems and networks. Currently, there are different approaches to creating data storages (databases) for SIEM systems. The analysis has not revealed a universal type of database, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. This paper is aimed at studying the known types of databases and their management systems that can be useful for implementing your own data storage model in modern SIEM. The paper offers a comparative characterization of their capabilities, as well as advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the paper develops a model of an ontological-relational data warehouse, which, by using two different databases with appropriate characteristics, allows to improve the convenience of storing and classifying data, to ensure high speed of obtaining large amounts of information due to preliminary indexing, as well as load balancing and data replication
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