Development of a database for storing atmospheric air quality indicators from the research stations of a utility company




environmental monitoring, atmospheric air, database, MySQL, Laravel, PHP, Vaisala


Today, the problem of air pollution is acute, especially in Ukraine, where significant changes in the environmental situation are taking place as a result of the war. These changes have led to the need to relocate production facilities and the population, which has increased the burden on organisations involved in environmental research. In Kremenchuk, the tasks of studying the state of environmental components are performed by a municipal enterprise of the city council, which has the appropriate technical equipment.

In order to conduct detailed studies of the current ecological state of the atmospheric air within the Kremenchuk region and other research areas, to accumulate knowledge about trends in measured air pollution indicators and to predict future environmental changes, it is important to create a comprehensive database for automatic storage of readings from research posts and stations.

This study analyses database models and database management systems in order to select the optimal model for the project. The main focus is on the design of the database structure, including the development of tables and their relationships, which allowed storing large amounts of air quality data in one space. PHP and MySQL, a database management system with good performance and scalability, were used to implement the database.

A separate aspect of the study is the possibility of expanding the database by adding new stations and integrating data from online resources. In the course of the work, the database was migrated, which helped to achieve the final structure of the database, laying the foundation for further development of the functionality and increasing the number of data sources.

The created database will become the basis for the creation of an automatic report and forecast generation service, as well as allow researchers and specialists to carry out a detailed analysis of the state of atmospheric air in different regions of Ukraine.


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