Optimization method for mass service system with the use of a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence





Mass Service System, GAS, Virtual Assistant, Artificial Assistant, Telegram Bot


In article, we present the development of an optimization method for mass service systems using a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence as an effective tool for automating and enhancing user service processes. The proposed solution enhances user interaction, utilizes artificial intelligence to improve responses, efficiently stores and analyzes data, and enables automation through a GAS. Future plans include expanding the language model, improving the user interface, adding automatic language recognition to support multiple languages, and introducing additional query analysis capabilities. We aim to develop algorithms that learn from user responses to provide personalized answers and enhance the user interaction experience. Furthermore, we investigate and optimize data processing algorithms to ensure the system's efficient operation in high query volume scenarios. These research developments have the potential to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and user experience of mass service systems utilizing a virtual assistant.


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