Method of determining the importance factor of IT projects investment attractiveness




IT, level of importance, characteristic features of the investment attractiveness of objects of examination, coefficients of importance, method of setting priorities, IT-project


The consistent implementation of the policy of attracting direct foreign investments to the development of post-war Ukraine urgently requires the use of modern system and IT for expert research of potential objects of these investments. And the more indicators and characteristics are applied, the more objective the conclusion will be regarding the degree of investment attractiveness of a specific object of expertise. It is substantiated that the specified assessment of the investment attractiveness degree of the object of examination is obtained using the multiplicative function of aggregation, which takes into account the normalized coefficients of importance (CI) of both the relevant features of investment attractiveness and indicators of the degree of their expressiveness in a specific object. From the comparative analysis of these methods, it was determined that the mathematical method of setting priorities (MSP) is more acceptable for research purposes. The paper presents a method for determining the CI of the investment attractiveness of IT projects, which, due to the synthesis of the MSP and procedures for calculating the total value of the value and comparing it with the established criterion of importance, makes it possible to determine the optimal iteration of the MSP and ensure both the nonlinearity of the obtained CI and acceptable accuracy of calculations. During its implementation, it was substantiated that the results of the second iteration are more acceptable, and the first ten (55.55%) in terms of the level of importance of features of the investment attractiveness of the examination objects provide a total contribution to the overall significance that exceeds the established criterion of 0.9.


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