Ways of testing vulnerabilities in mobile applications





mobile application, vulnerability testing, OWASP MSTG, OWASP MASVS, vulnerabilities testing static way, vulnerabilities testing dynamic way


It has been analyzed the applicability ways of vulnerability testing for mobile software applications. After doing this, we have further demonstrated their orientation towards meeting the guidelines of the open source security project for web applications, OWASP. This has led to the identification of static and dynamic vulnerability testing methods. However, the practical application of these ways is limited due to the ambiguous classification of scenarios as either static or dynamic testing, such as exported components, MSTG-STORAGE-6, non-standard certificates, SSL pinning certificates, and MSTG-NETWORK-4. This highlights the relevance of analyzing the applicability ways of vulnerability testing for mobile software applications. Existing research has confirmed the generalized orientation towards meeting OWASP guidelines and ensured the completeness of testing scenarios, resulting in recommendations for reducing the leakage of confidential information. Attention has been focused on preventing attacks on critical software applications, and efforts have been made to expand the capabilities of vulnerability testing tools using appropriate frameworks. The limitations of static and dynamic testing ways have been demonstrated through examples of the use of corresponding tools such as Drozer, MobSF, Xposed, and Frida. Additionally, testing has been conducted on the bypassing of security mechanisms for intercepting and decrypting HTTP traffic, including SSL pinning. We have identified the complexity of determining and establishing dependencies between vulnerability testing scenarios for mobile software applications as the primary challenge in their separate application. Furthermore, the incorrectness of using only dynamic testing has been established. This is because the comprehensive execution of actions is necessary, including static scanning of the mobile software application and manual analysis of the source code by an expert. Additionally, the use of additional frameworks and the development of separate vulnerability testing modules have been explored.


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