Problems and prospects of automation of activity of planning and production service in scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine




The analysis of problems and features of administrative and managerial activity in scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine is considered and carried out. Formalization and unification of the basic functions of the planning and production service are proposed. In order to confirm the studies carried out, as well as the need to automate such processes, the design, development, testing and practical implementation of a single software package for automating the implementation of the main functionality of administrative and management services in general and in particular the planning and production service was carried out. Features of the structural-modular organization of the specified complex are highlighted. The effectiveness of creating and practical use of a user-friendly interface has been proven, which greatly simplifies and unifies their work with the system.

Thanks to an integrated approach that allows sharing a single information database, joint inter-service operations, an intelligent interface service and additional modeling tools, its practical effectiveness has been proven.

Perspective directions for further development of the system due to the possibilities of using cloud technologies are considered.


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