Modification of modern RISC processor by implementation of new instructions
FPGA, user defined instruction, assembler, hardware description language, processorAbstract
There are many algorithms that are using the same functions. Examples of such functions are trigonometric ones. Trigonometric functions are used in many digital signal processing algorithms, such as the Hartley transform, the Fourier transform, and in computer graphics.
The execution of these operations only with software implementation is relatively slow. If we can write processor instructions that will be perceived by the processor as their own, that will be in the processor pipeline, then the speed of these operations will increase.
A hardware implementation of the sin(x) function calculation was developed based on a modern commercial MIPSfpga processor and tested on the DE2-115 board. This is necessary for tasks where the processor power is limited, such as embedded systems. This solution is not universal, but specialized.
For the first time, an instruction for calculating the sin(x) function using the Taylor polynomial was proposed, which was implemented in the MIPSfpga processor core, and tested in the ModelSim package and on the Altera DE2-115 FPGA board. The results of the work can be used to study the operation of the processor, familiarize yourself with the user instructions, improve the exact implementation, to modernize the existing instructions and implement new processor instructions using the developed modules.
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