Research of performance characteristics of wind power generators
wind power plant, torque, generator, power, current, measurementAbstract
The article studies the performance of wind turbines. Transients related to the efficiency of wind power generators are considered. The model of input parameters adjustment is investigated, which includes wind speed, turbine blade area, air strength, inlet wind power output and voltage, current and output power. As a result of its testing, it was found that the coefficient of wind energy utilization is always less than theoretical due to the formation of vortices coming from the ends of the wind turbine blades, profile losses caused by friction of air jets, losses due to incomplete use of the entire blade area. The model of the torque of the electric generator is investigated taking into account the electromagnetic and physical characteristics, which allowed to determine the dependence of the mechanical power and electrical parameters of the generator. A model of a wind power plant was built, which includes 25 turbines, each of which includes a sensor unit for measuring voltage, power, torque and wind speed, conditionally placed on a hillside measuring 1100 × 1100 m. generators allowed to determine the generalized output parameters, in particular the average value of voltage, current and torque depending on wind speed, as well as the standard deviation of these values.
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