Analysis of acoustic information signals of quadrocopters and interference sounds of the city
quadcopters, sound analysis, correlation signal processingAbstract
To protect small civilian objects from illegal drone surveys, simple acoustic detection devices are needed that can be integrated into existing security systems. These devices must distinguish between the noise sound of the intruder and other noise interference.
The development of algorithms for the recognition of acoustic signals in security systems is based on a systematic study of the features of information sounds and typical masking sounds.
In this work, we study the features of the characteristics of the sounds of quadrocopters and sounds of the city, masking aircraft. The experimental basis of the research was the database of acoustic sounds, presented on the Internet, containing samples of recordings of the sounds of quadcopters, and the Noise.FX database, containing samples of recordings of masking sounds of the city.
Studies have shown: 1. Quadrocopters as a type of mechanisms can generate sounds in the entire sound range. The highest intensity of these information signals is 1-6 kHz. 2. City masking noises have many sources and a wide frequency range from 0 kHz to 3-6 kHz. 3. Frequency filtering of masking noises of the city for detecting quadcopters is ineffective. 4. The autocorrelation function of the acoustic information signals of quadrocopters has the form of high-frequency oscillations with beats at a frequency of about 150 Hz and significant correlation time. The autocorrelation function of the city masking noise has the form of a low-frequency oscillation with a shorter correlation time. Autocorrelation processing of the information signal of a quadcopter is the most optimal for its automatic detection.
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