Context and integrated knowledge-oriented support for decision-making
integrated knowledge-oriented support, decision-making system, context, transdisciplinarity, ontologyAbstract
Modern solutions to applied problems are the result of combining and integrating knowledge. The combination of knowledge is the basis for a better understanding of the essence of processes and the generation of ideas for solving sets of interrelated problems in different subject areas. Each of these tasks has its own specific characteristics associated with diversity, multidimensionality, multilevel knowledge.
In many knowledge-oriented situations, professionals often use a large amount of specific knowledge and this determines the need to build a model for a common understanding of the problem, which often does not exist in advance, but develops gradually and together in the process of finding solutions.
The aim of the study is to present a transdisciplinary and context-oriented model of decision support. The paper shows that transdisciplinarity allows us to consider the decision-making process taking into account interdisciplinary relations within the decision-making system without strict boundaries between relevant disciplines or problem areas.
The actuality of the decision-making approach based on interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity and context is shown. Requirements for integrated decision support are defined.
Integrated technologies defined through /inter- /multi- /trans-discipline are presented.
The context ontology and its components are defined. The usage of context and context ontology allows, without directly affecting the logical conclusion, to be limited only to rules/procedures relevant to the context.
A layer ontology, which provides concepts and constructions to define, understand, structure and present static and dynamic features of the four-layer decision-making process (problem, model, method and realization) is presented.
An aspect ontology, which provides concepts and constructions to define, understand, structure and present entities from a set of defined aspects (points of view, perspectives) is presented.
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