Parametric synthesis of analytical-psychological systems on the basis of methods of mathematical modeling and multicriterial optimization


  • А. С. Климова
  • А. С. Савченко
  • С. В. Кулик



systems for analyzing the psychological state of a person, synthesis of optimal solutions, multi-criticismal optimization


Algorithms are being improved on the example of a system for analyzing the psychological state of a person in the form of a computational technique of multi-criteria parametric synthesis for solving specific applied problems using vectors of system parameters describing the conditions for the implementation of the algorithm and allow working with the vector of the objective function to optimize the algorithm in scientific and technical research at the initial stages of development  and creation of systems for analyzing the psychological state of a person.  By manipulating the space of each parameter with the help of constraints, the vector of the objective function is achieved, which is necessary to select the Pareto set, effective variants of the system algorithm and select a compromise option among them among the resulting set.  Based on the works of modern scientists, such as Popova I.A., Vysotskaya V.A., Voronin A.N., Segeda M.S.  necessary for the practical study of complex systems, and the means of their functioning, which is necessary to solve the problem, which is described in this article.


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