End-to-end quality of service of wireless networks with interlevel interaction
Quality of service (QoS), cross-layer interaction, metaheuristic optimization, taboo method, local a posteriori correctionAbstract
This article considers wireless networks with packet switching. Diverse multimedia information circulates on the network, and data exchange is carried out with both fixed and mobile subscribers. This causes a complex specifics of network traffic and strict requirements for network parameters. The statistical characteristics of Quadruple Play network traffic and key indicators (delay and bandwidth) of networks are analyzed. It is shown that the data transmission network, actually, should be a hard real-time information system. To meet the requirements for quality of service (QoS) of modern information and communication networks operating in real time-scale, it is necessary to develop new models and methods of wireless communication channels, route planning with minimal processing delays in switching nodes and traffic delivery to recipients, low level bit errors, etc. The comparative analysis of methods of wireless networks QoS providing is carried out and some results in this area are presented. The substantiation of the basic method of providing QoS of a network with cross-layer interaction is given. In particular, the results in some of the most important areas are presented, namely: models for ensuring the efficiency of network services, methods of traffic specification, scheduling of packets for wireless transmission, control of call receiving in wireless networks and optimization of wireless channel characteristics. For each task, promising approaches are presented, their constraints are discussed and compromise ways of solving emerging problems are analyzed. In particular, a modified metaheuristic taboo search method with local a posteriori correction and temporary overcoming the ban was used to solve the problem of optimal packet planning and organization of packet delivery routes.References
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