Analysis of the research of real bandwidth in standard ieee 802.11 wireless networks


  • Володимир Семенович Лазебний
  • Інь Ченлян



wireless network, unlicensed bandwidth, throuphput, spatial flow, transport protocol, interference level


The paper summarizes the results of experimental studies of the bandwidth of 802.11 wireless networks of the most common specifications n and ac. The results of transmission of information flows consisting of packets of different sizes using TCP and UDP transport protocols are analyzed. Considered are networks composed of desktops and networks with mobile users. Problems with the continued use of unlicensed 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are analyzed. In the 802.11 networks of all specifications, competitive access is the main way to access the radio channel. The newer specifications, in particular the 802.11n and 802.11ac specifications, have an improved access mechanism to reduce the adverse effects of collisions, however, the risk of collisions remains. The results obtained by the researchers was analyzed for the bandwidth of wireless networks operating according to the specifications of 802.11n and 802.11ac in the case of UDP and TCP transport layer protocols. In these experiments, each network was tuned to the maximum frequency bandwidth allowed by the equipment - 20 MHz for 802.11n in the 2.4 GHz band, 40 MHz for 802.11n in the 5 GHz band, and 80 MHz for 802.11ac (only works in 5 GHz band). Homogeneous information flows investigated was made up of packets of various sizes from 128 to 524288 bytes. The streams compiled according to IPv4 and IPv6 protocols are investigated. The network bandwidth received did not exceed 40 Mbps when transmitting streams consisting of packets of 128 to 8192 bytes. In our opinion, the authors did not correctly evaluate the results and we made the appropriate explanations. The results of other authors who have investigated the bandwidth of IEEE 802.11n / ac networks in the case of different types of mobile phones have also been analyzed. The studies were made under ideal conditions for streams consisting of packets of 1470 bytes. The bandwidth received for streams composed of packets of 1470 bytes (near the Ethernet limit) does not exceed 30% of the maximum estimated signal rate. We have explained these results and justified the need for additional research to create an advanced model for the operation of the IEEE 802.11 wireless channel.


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