Approaches to performance increasing of extended Euclidean algorithm for double precision division on single precision large integers
division, remainder in division, large integer’s modular reduction, extended Euclidean algorithmAbstract
Public key cryptography has significant processing and spatial complexity. In this regard, relevant scientific and technical challenge is to improve the performance of such transformations. In this paper proposed approaches of large integer’s division operation with double precision on single precision based on the Extended Euclidean Algorithm. These approaches include handling non-zero machine words in the most frequently used operations; using an semi-exact comparison of large integer, without for-word comparison; knowledge of the of Bézout equation parameters changing. These approaches are implemented in the modified algorithm, which has been software implemented. In experiments were compared numbers with double binary size dividend and single binary size divider with ratios for various filled and total binary length. Modified algorithm showed higher performance in 1.5-3 times, with dividend and divisor increasing binary length.References
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