Development of method for determining the value of information assets of the organization for several experts
knowledge management system, information assets, assessment of information assets, requirements for managing information assets, verbal method ordinal classification, models of information assets of the organizationAbstract
The important condition for obtaining of the competitive advantages by the company is the effective distribution of resources destined to the maintenance of the information assets safety. For effective distribution of resources it is necessary to define each of the information asset’s value. Earlier proposed a method of information assets value definition (IA) has been suggested for one expert, basing on application of serial classification and systemological classification analysis. However in practice, in the course of definition of the IA value several experts are taking part. In order to handle the request it is offered to improve the previously proposed method by the means of the multisets theory and to apply the obtained results for modeling of information and analytical system (IAS) of the IA value determination. The application of IAS will allow developing and introducing the optimum methods for IA security, to distribute the company’s resources effectively.References
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