Cryptographic system of protection UAVs communication channels against illegal intrusion
information security, cryptography, information interception, cryptanalysis, UAVAbstract
The article provides information on effective cryptographic protection of radio communication «Ground – UAV – Ground». The main threats to UAVs and illegal intrusion methods in communication channel are considered. An example of illegal intrusion into communication channel «Ground – UAV – Ground» is provided. A suggested approach to protect UAVs control telemetry data. The way and hardware-software implementation of «on-board» UAVs protection using the developed encoder is shown. The circuit of connection an encoder to ground and on-board equipment is available. The mechanism of synchronization UAVs with an encoder is considered. The investigation results of protection UAVs communication channel are offered. A description of hardware-software implementation of protection is given. Technical characteristics of hardware implementation of an encoder are presented. The obtained results can improve the efficiency of UAVs information security systems and create the basis for further researches in the field of development new effective information security systems using "on-board" protection that does not change the operation of UAVs.References
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Патент UA №94189 «Спосіб криптографічного перетворення інформації».