



software systems quality, posterior distribution, quality standards, critical sources of uncertainty, Bayesian methods, Bayesian updating, hybrid approach


Currently, software quality evaluation is a crucial stage in the processes of software development and implementation. It provides developers with the opportunity to obtain an objective assessment of the developed software products and determine their compliance with existing international standards and software quality evaluation requirements. However, this process is often accompanied by a certain level of uncertainty in evaluating the quantitative quality characteristics, which can complicate decision-making regarding the prospects for the use and safety of the developed product. Significant contributions to the theoretical and practical aspects of generalizing the issue of uncertainty in evaluating quantitative quality characteristics have been made by scholars such as S. Hayashi, M. Kubo, H. Mori, C. Areces, R. Fervari, A. Saravia, F. Velázquez-Quesada, S. Guaman, J. Alamo, J. Caiza, M. Nakamura, and others. The purpose of this article is to address the problem associated with the uncertainty in evaluating the quantitative quality characteristics of software systems. To achieve this goal, the article sets and solves the following tasks: examining various aspects of uncertainty in evaluating the quantitative quality characteristics of computer software systems; developing a methodological approach to solving the problem of uncertainty in evaluating quantitative quality characteristics; and conducting a practical study of the developed approach. The methods used to solve these tasks include analysis, synthesis, generalization, and comparison.


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