


innovative institution of higher education, professional competences, information resources, stakeholders


The security and defense forces are the main instrument of the state for countering the armed aggression of the Rus-sian Federation and ensuring the defense of Ukraine, protecting the safety of the population and the interests of the state. Taking into account the powers assigned to the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), in various crisis situa-tions, the domestic special service performs tasks both as part of the security forces and as part of the defense forces, which in modern conditions requires the improvement of the system of training personnel for the SSU. In the condi-tions of the modernization of the educational process in the preparation of standards for the training of specialists, taking into account the experience of training military personnel of NATO member countries, the task of determin-ing the professional competences of graduates of higher education institutions of the SSU, which will allow them to successfully perform operational and combat tasks in practical units, becomes especially appropriate. As a result of the study, the procedure for forming a state order for the training of specialists for the SSU and qualification re-quirements for a future employee was formalized. The modern possibilities of e-education in the formation of innova-tive higher education institutions are outlined. When organizing the educational activities of the SSU institution of higher education, the use of the corporate information and educational system and ways to increase the level of secu-rity of its information resources in the conditions of potential and prospective threats to cyber security are proposed.


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EU Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Dec-ade

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