


database, privacy, integrity, availability, information protection, threat, identity, authentication, authorization, encryption, monitoring, SQL Injection, IDS/IPS, access


In today's digital environment, where databases play a critical role in storing and processing important information for various spheres of human activity, protection against cyber threats becomes an extremely urgent task. This accordingly places new demands and responsibilities on organizations. Modern technologies not only facilitate access to data, but also threaten its confidentiality and integrity. The rapid and ever-growing challenges of cyber security require the development of effective strategies and innovative approaches to database protection that ensure the reliability and resilience of databases in the face of ever-increasing cyber-attacks and security breaches. The work deals in detail with the organization of effective protection of information stored in databases. The main methods of information protection in databases are analyzed, in particular data encryption, mechanisms of authentication, access control and monitoring of user activity. Their advantages and disadvantages are defined, as well as the possible consequences for data in case of non-compliance with these protection methods. The article highlights the importance of constant monitoring and analysis of user activity for timely detection and response to possible data security threats in the database system. The importance of a comprehensive approach to protection, which takes into account the specifics of a specific organization and allows to ensure an effective level of data security, is emphasized.


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