


information security, cyber space, cybercrime, cyber terrorism, cyber intelligence, cyber war


On the basis of the analysis of the problem of ensuring information security in cyberspace, the sources of cyber threats have been determined, which can be international criminal groups of hackers, individual criminals trained in the field of information technologies, foreign state bodies, terrorists and extremist groups, transnational corporations and financial and industrial groups. It was concluded that ensuring cyber security requires a coordinated, comprehensive approach led by the state, but in close cooperation with the private sector and civil society, without which it is impossible to solve this issue. It has been established that the choice of methods for analyzing the state of ensuring information security depends on the specific level and scope of the organization of protection. Depending on the threats, the task of differentiating both different levels and types of threats and different levels and types of protection becomes possible. However, threat and danger are attribute components of the cyber security system, therefore, their existence and implementation, as well as negative consequences, are natural components of the information security system. It is threats and danger that make it possible to see the shortcomings in the cyber security management system, and at the same time serve as an impetus for improvement, that is, for development. Therefore, an important method of ensuring information security is the development method.


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Cybersecurity & Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)