
  • Vasyl Kuzavkov Department of Construction of telecommunication systems of the Military Institute of Telecommunica-tions and Informatization named after the Heroes of Kruty
  • Viacheslav Solodovnyk department of telecommunication systems and networks of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after the Heroes of Kruty
  • Yuliia Bolotiuk scientific and organizational department of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informati-zation named after the Heroes of Kruty



technical condition, diagnostic information, physical integrity, communication equipment, embedded software, model, mathematical modeling


Modern means of information exchange are mostly built as systems with. The process of functioning of such systems consists in the interaction of software and hardware components. The architecture of such systems corresponds to the Open System Interconnection Basic Reference Model (OSI), which defines certain levels in networks, gives them standard names and indicates what functions each level should perform. Violations of the functioning of such systems can be caused by random failures and defects of the hardware component, errors and failures of the software, or as a result of external influence. The complexity of assessing the technical condition (technical diagnosis) is due to the significant territorial diversity of the system elements, the variety of functional nodes and specifications of the equipment, as well as the use of dual-purpose equipment in the systems. Given the complexity of the selected object, the task of automating control is entrusted to computer-measurement systems. Analysis of the architecture of the selected object of control (availability of formalized - standardized levels) allows to offer solutions to technical diagnostics tasks (or physical integrity control tasks) through step-by-step (step-by-step) testing of individual levels of hardware and technical means. The presented verification technique is based on organizational measures (availability of daily monitoring of functioning) and the use of standardized sets of protocols of each level of the OSI model. At the same time, at each stage of the check, two components of the diagnostic parameter (time and energy) are registered. The availability of mathematical models of the aging processes of the hardware part and the physical data transmission environment made it possible to obtain reference values for the diagnostic parameter at any time of the operation of the control object, or to determine the change of the main parameters when modeling the behavior of the system for a certain time. The set of numerical values of both components of the diagnostic parameter allows to determine the technical condition of not only the hardware part of the control object and the correct functioning of the software part at different levels of the OSI model, but also the presence (or absence) of unauthorized influence (software or hardware) in the system.


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