


Electronic Warfare (EW), Electronic Protection, Electronic Suppression, Electronic Defense, Interference, Cyber Threats, Radar


Electronic warfare (EW) is the process of protecting against enemy electronic devices that can be used to interfere with communications, control, and reconnaissance. In modern warfare, electronic warfare is crucial for both sides of the conflict. The main objectives of EW are to disrupt enemy troop management, reduce the effectiveness of reconnaissance and enemy weapons and equipment, and ensure the reliable operation of systems and equipment for managing one's troops and weapons. This article reviews modern methods of electronic warfare, their technical characteristics, and effectiveness. Different types of EW tools are explored, including active and passive systems used for protection against radar. Issues related to the use of EW by military and civilian organizations are discussed, and examples of modern EW methods and technologies are provided. Methods for hiding objects from detection by enemy radar devices are also examined. In modern conditions, EW is an important component of military operations, as it ensures the preservation of soldiers' lives and health, the preservation and destruction of enemy equipment, and the accomplishment of combat tasks. The article also discusses the main methods and means of countering EW. To ensure the functioning of electronic systems and other devices under the influence of radio signals, various methods and means are used, such as complex technical control and masking, protection against cyber-attacks, protection systems against electromagnetic impulses and the use of backup communication and communication systems. One of the important aspects of the fight against EW is complex technical control and masking, which involves the use of shields that protect against radio signals and other measures to ensure the security of electronic systems. It is also important to counteract with the help of special intelligence and counter-intelligence systems to detect enemy elements of electronic warfare and their localization. The aim of this article is to help readers understand the complexity and importance of EW in the modern world and to highlight the most effective methods of combating electronic threats. To support the research, a wide analysis of literature and articles providing information on modern EW methods and tools and their application was conducted.


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