Security research of Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3) standard




Wi-Fi, WPA2, WPA3, cybercrime, security, cryptography, defense


Wi-Fi technology is very relevant nowadays, as wireless communication has become a necessary part of our everyday life. Wi-Fi allows you to connect to the Internet on various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, TVs, and others. In addition, Wi-Fi technology is constantly evolving and improving. New technology standards, such as 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6), allow for improved data transfer speeds and greater resistance to interference and interference. However, with the popularity of Wi-Fi technology comes a greater threat to network security. Therefore, it is important to improve security methods and encryption algorithms for Wi-Fi networks to ensure their safety and security. The study of vulnerabilities of Wi-Fi WPA2 and WPA3 wireless communication protocols is very relevant due to the fact that wireless networks are an integral part of the modern world. Since hacker attacks on wireless networks have become widespread, researching WPA2 and WPA3 vulnerabilities is very important for ensuring the security of Wi-Fi networks. After all, WPA2 and WPA3 protocol vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to the network and obtain sensitive information such as passwords and user data. This paper will cover such topics as the vulnerabilities of securing WIFI networks using WPA2 and WPA3, the main means of protection against attacks, and a comparative characterization of these two security methods.


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