Model-Definition "Information Security Ship"
ship, information, method, model, definition, estimation, systemAbstract
The article discusses the general shortcomings of the available methods of information security of vessels, due to which navigators still do not have complete data for the organization of guaranteed safe traffic. This is mainly due to the lack of high-quality navigation and informational content on the vessel, which leads to erroneous assessments of the situation by the skippers and creates the threat of accidents. The developed prototype model definition "Information Security of the Court", supported by theoretical positions satisfying the information space of shipping, is given. A comprehensive toolkit is presented - the “Information Security of the Court” model definition that improves the information security of navigation, facilitates the formalization of the navigation process, and allows to obtain current characteristics of the traffic safety of a particular vessel, in particular, in conditions of limited navigation space and difficult maneuvering. The model eliminates the inadequacy of information on the real navigation parameters of the waterway, which somehow gets to the master. The definition of a maritime security phenomenon proposed by the model is equivalent to conventional interpretations, contains a professional, reliable explanation of specific provisions and satisfies the norms of the general theory of information security for shipping, and has no ambiguity. Model-definition reflects the most plausible scenarios for the development of emergency situations, allows you to analyze the actions of the navigator in the management of the vessel. The definition of the model, as a phenomenon in maritime security, is submitted in a form with all the features of the navigation space. The use of the presented model makes it possible to maximally reflect the authenticity of the picture of the causal relationships of the occurrence of emergency events and analyze the actions of the boatmaster during the preparation and execution of work on the operational management of the ship systems.References
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