The software complex for the detection and evaluation of crisis situations in the information field
crisis situation, method, system, business continuity management concept, fuzzy logic, software, interface, functional, software moduleAbstract
Ensuring the sustainable development of mankind and its safety aspects is closely related to the necessity of incidents/potential crisis situations governance. Particularly, the most significant aspect is timely identification, identification and evaluation different incident. Thus, the emergence of different information security incidents can seriously affect the business processes in enterprise, and, when a certain critical level of their influence on the information system is reached, a crisis situation is emergence. A special area of strategic management, which regulates the crisis management processes-their identification, identification, assessment, neutralization, prevention and liquidation of consequences – business continuity management dates back to the 80s of the last century. However, until recently, systems, the main functions of which were information technologies support in crisis conditions, neutralization or elimination of consequences, documentation support for the formation and implementation of business continuity plans had dominated in this sphere. And only now, attention on the procedure for early detection of crisis situations or an assessment of its destructive influence is focused. The modern crisis management systems mostly use mathematical models which based on probability theory, indicative and comparator models, and have a number of significant weaknesses. In the paper offers the software complex that implements the developed computer complex for the detection and evaluation of crisis situations in the information field, its work is based on the use of fuzzy weakly formalized models and methods using of expert approaches. Such complex allows to level out the main weakness of known similar solutions, including dependence on statistical data, speed of their processing, incompleteness and unclear initial data. In this paper describes the software implementation of the computer complex for detection and evaluation of crisis situations in the information field, its interface and functional, describes the operation modes and application features both in real time mode and for modeling various types of crisis situations.
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