Appliance of incident / potential crisis situations correlation mechanism for assessment of current situation criticality level in information sphere
crisis situation, method, system, information security management, correlation, business continuity management concept, mechanism, criticality level, influence, fuzzy logic, model of crisis situation presentationAbstract
The development of information technologies, communication systems and information processing systems provide optimization of management processes for enterprises, institutions and organizations. However, with this increased dependence of organization effective functioning from the level of providing information services. The emergence of various types of information security incidents can seriously affect the business processes of any enterprise, and when the level of their influence on the information system reach certain critical value, possibility of crisis situation occurrence arises. Methods of identifying incidents/potential crisis situations and assessing their criticality are already proposed. However, these methods do not describe the procedures for coordinating the emergence of several crisis situations at the same time and determination of the average and total level of criticality. In this work, the issues of several events (crisis situations) correlation are considered and proposed mechanism for calculating the average and total level of criticality for incidents. This events correlation mechanism is based on methods of expert evaluation and fuzzy logic models. The application of the proposed mechanism will make it possible to take into account the simultaneous occurrence of several incidents and assess the average and total impact that they have on information system.References
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