Analysis of using the features of communication models in social groups and virtual communities
social groups, communication, features, model, interpersonal communicationsAbstract
The research of features of use of communication models in social groups and virtual communities is carried out in the article. In particular, the essence and features of functioning of various social groups are described. The following key characteristics of social groups are selected: stability; unity of their members; composition homogeneity. The following features of division of social groups into categories are designated: depending on the nature of interaction, depending on the method of implementation and depending on the quantitative composition or socially important characteristics. The role and value of communications in social groups are established. It is specified that communication in social networks in the global network is almost direct, contact communication between users which is similar to communication in social groups in a form of a dialogue or polylogue. The specific of use of interpersonal communication models in social groups is defined. It is noted that application of interactive and dialogical models in social groups is the most expedient one in comparison with linear and transactional models due to existence of feedback and support of adequacy of information perception. The prospects of use of results of social groups' research, in particular, concerning virtual communities, for improvement of commercial activity of the companies with the use of information technologies are marked out. The need of construction of graphic model of process of creation of system of clients' information consolidation within the business processes tool is proved. The given research is a fundamental for further development and implementation of models of systems of information consolidation in Internet social groups on the basis of systemological classification analysis.References
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