Conceptual model of information impact system
informational-psychological operation, meme, meme model, memetype container, informational impact system, informational impact objectsAbstract
The main goal of the of information war is consciousness reprogramming of the social part of the socio-technical system by nonviolent actions. One of the ways of achieving this goal is the usage of peculiarly prepared information - meme which spreads at the informational space through a variety of influence channels and efficiently «infect» society. For both information impact implementation and protection against it the conceptual model of information impact is proposed in the article, which allows formalizing of subject-object interaction at the informational warfare considering available amount of resources and processes. The mentioned conceptual model of information impact system is proposed to integrate within situational centers structure, which would provide a certain level of the complex information security accordingly to the object of the information impact at the «person-enterprises region-state» level. The meme model, which considers a number of typical features that could identify meme, is proposed, potential targets of information impact with respect to their features, which may vary depending on the information impact goal are considered.
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