Forming and generation of acoustic impulse for the method of acoustic location
acoustic video impulse, acoustic radio impulse, high-frequency harmonics, low-frequency harmonics, secret intelligence device, speaker, front and fall slope, form of impulseAbstract
This work is dedicated to the formation and the generation of an acoustic impulse signal for the acoustic location method. In this method, the distance to the place of the secret intelligence device (SID) is determined by the time of an acoustic impulse signal pass to the microphone of the SID. The experimental and theoretical researches have shown that the use of an acoustic video impulse signal in the acoustic location of SID method is practically impossible. Researches have shown that the distortion of the acoustic video impulse of radiation is largely influenced by the presence of high-frequency harmonics and lack low-frequency harmonics. The absence of high-frequency harmonics has a greater influence on the front and fall slope and to a lesser extent on the shape of the impulse. To use a speaker that emits mid-range acoustic frequencies, and keep the shape of the emitted impulse is necessary to use the carrier frequency, which corresponds to a centre frequency of the emission band with modulation by video impulse. In this case, the side harmonics by modulating the fall in the range of frequencies emitted by the speaker. Therefore, to generate an acoustic impulse and to generate a signal suitable for measuring the propagation delay it is necessary to form and generate the radio impulse. Thus, as a result of the work we determined the conditions and requirements for forming and generating an acoustic impulse for acoustic location method.
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