Lexical analysis, lexeme, style of effective programming, construction of programming languageAbstract
In the article the task of creation of lexical analyzer for development of style of effective programming is considered, the results of experiments for choosing tasks, which appear in the web-programming was represented, the analyses of the open-source projects was made, the architecture of the tool and class diagram was created. The table with lexemes was created on the base of the tables and histograms obtained by the "Lexical analyzer", that can be used in constructions for the implementation of the tasks and confirm their popularity through large frequency of occurrence in the code. After performing of the lexical analysis and selection of the most popular tasks, it is possible to analyze solutions of these tasks, which can be represented as constructions and compare their performance to create a style. For research of the code on the PHP language in order to obtain the output sequence of symbols lexemes «Zend Engine PHP-Lexer» was used. The tool was created without working with the language specification at the lexical level by means of using lexical functions that are included into «Zend Engine PHP-Lexer».References
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