
  • Ольга Вікторівна Захарова Institute of Software Systems of NAS of Ukraine


Semantic Web, Web service, detection Web service, descriptive logic, best query coverage


Purpose of research is in analysis of possible approaches to automatic discovery Web-services satisfied to the query. In fact, query description is description of requested service. Our purpose is to build requested service with conjunction of existed services. It is unlikely to build service that is equivalent to query, so we need to create its best cover where “the best” means “the least”. Considered the best covering problem is one instance of the general framework for rewriting that use semantic distance between concepts, instead of subsumption or equivalence. Precisely, the problem reduces to reformulate a query Q into a description that contain as much as possible of common information with Q. Such reformulation is a cover of Q.

Author Biography

Ольга Вікторівна Захарова, Institute of Software Systems of NAS of Ukraine

Ph.D., senior researcher at the Institute of Software Systems of NAS of Ukraine. Scientific interests: technologies of Semantic Web, ontologies.


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