
  • Новицький Олександр Вадимович Institute of Software Systems of the NAS of Ukraine
  • Галина Юріївна Проскудіна Institute of Software Systems of the NAS of Ukraine
  • Валерій Анатолійович Резніченко Institute of Software Systems of the NAS of Ukraine
  • Ольга Михайлівна Овдій Institute of Software Systems of the NAS of Ukraine


Quality of the digital library, usability services, model DELOS


The article considers the problem of assessing the quality of digital libraries. The basis for a set of criteria to assess the DL is modeled DELOS DLRM. For most quality parameters proposed metrics that allow a quantitative assessment. Selection metrics has been proposed based on the fact that EB operates in the web environment. This approach is new in relation DELOS DLRM, since this model does not focus, on the operation of digital libraries in the web environment. The paper presents a formal model for usability evaluation based reflection of user behavior on the site through a change of the system states. The proposed technique allows ongoing assessment of more independently, using the statistics. Also proposed metrics to assess security settings DL in the web environment.

Author Biographies

Новицький Олександр Вадимович, Institute of Software Systems of the NAS of Ukraine

Junior Researcher of the Institute of Software Systems NAS of Ukraine. Scientific interests: digital libraries, technology, Semantic Web, ontologies.

Галина Юріївна Проскудіна, Institute of Software Systems of the NAS of Ukraine

Researcher of the Institute of Software Systems of NAS of Ukraine. Scientific interests: databases, digital libraries, information retrieval, technology, Semantic Web, ontologies.

Валерій Анатолійович Резніченко, Institute of Software Systems of the NAS of Ukraine

Senior Researcher of the Institute of Software Systems NAS of Ukraine. Scientific interests: databases, digital libraries, information retrieval, technology, Semantic Web, ontologies.

Ольга Михайлівна Овдій, Institute of Software Systems of the NAS of Ukraine

Junior Researcher of the Institute of Software Systems NAS of Ukraine. Scientific interests: digital libraries, information retrieval, technology, Semantic Web, ontologies.


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