
  • Юлія Віталіївна Рогушина Program Systems Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Ontology, semantic search, Semantic Web, inductive inference, recommending system


Ontological model of the intelligent retrieval and recommending system that is oriented on the operation at the open environment Web, social Web and Semantic Web is proposed. Areas of knowledge acquisition about users of this system are considered, suitability of personified testing for creation of user groups with common interests that provide collaborative of search results forecasting ratings is analyzed. Methods for supplementation of this model by new knowledge by means of inductive generalization of interaction experience between user and system for self-learning that supports it`s work improvement are designed.

Author Biography

Юлія Віталіївна Рогушина, Program Systems Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D., senior researcher of Program Systems Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Scientific interests: ontological analysis powered Semantic Web, intelligent information retrieval, extraction methods of inductive knowledge, the study of intelligent information systems and behavior of software agents.


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