
  • Ігор Борисович Туркін National Aerospace University of Zhukovskyi "HAI"
  • Ігор Володимирович Шостак National Aerospace University of Zhukovskyi "HAI"
  • Марія Олександрівна Данова National Aerospace University of Zhukovskyi "HAI"


Prediction development, foresight methodology, information technology, automation of prediction


The paper reflects the relevance of automation foresight-projects on the choice of priorities in the prediction of scientific and technological development of large-scale objects. The characteristics of the computerization of each of the four stages of technology foresight are discussed. It is shown that the most problematic for automation is a step "Еvaluation and refinement of lists of subject directions", because provided by an existing technique procedures and methods are badly formalized and based on the use of expert information . The problem of synthesis of information technology to support decision-making members of the foresight project is formulated.

Author Biographies

Ігор Борисович Туркін, National Aerospace University of Zhukovskyi "HAI"

Doctor of Scinces, Professor, Head of Software Engineering Department of the National Aerospace University of Zhukovskyi "HAI". Scientific interests: software engineering.

Ігор Володимирович Шостак, National Aerospace University of Zhukovskyi "HAI"

Doctor of Sciences, Professor of Software Engineering Department of the National Aerospace University of Zhukovskyi "HAI". Scientific interests: software engineering.

Марія Олександрівна Данова, National Aerospace University of Zhukovskyi "HAI"

Post-graduate student, assistant of Software Engineering Department of the National Aerospace University of Zhukovskyi "HAI". Scientific interests: software engineering.


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