
  • Юлія Анатоліївна Кузнєцова National Aerospace University of Zhukovskiy "HAI"


STK ACS, real time, control algorithm, software, visualization, graph models, extended Backus-Naur form


It is shown that to improve the efficiency of functioning, to reduce the development cost and operation of automated control systems (ACS) of complicated technical complexes (CTC), in which the information processing occurs in real time, a special attention should be paid to the development of supervised algorithms taking time limits into consideration. It is shown that at the present stage of CTC ACS development the new approaches are required to develop software that implements the supervised algorithm of the operational process of tests that will improve the operator’s check and control efficiency for the progress of the supervised algorithm, as well as provide the ability to analyze its results. The paper proposes the approach based on the computer visualization. The importance of visualization metaphors is shown in this paper for an accurate and clear representation of information according to the progress of the supervised algorithm. Based on the theory of sets, we developed the real-time supervised algorithm (RT SA) semantics, which became the basis for the synthesis of such graph models as a multi-input model and a multivariate model of the RT SA. It is shown that the visualization of software that implements the SA, is based on a range of standard visualization templates which satisfy the system requirements and displaying the behavior of the SAs. Graph theory offers its solutions for the problem of the formal synthesis, analysis and verification of the SA model. The problem of the correct visual representation of test technological process SA is solved with the formal specification of visual languages. This paper applies the text method of syntax specification, based on the Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF).

Author Biography

Юлія Анатоліївна Кузнєцова, National Aerospace University of Zhukovskiy "HAI"

Junior Research Assistant of the Software Engineering Department of National Aerospace University of Zhukovskiy "HAI". Scientific interests: software engineering.


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