
  • Ніка Миколаївна Сидорова National Aviation University


Software, programming, programming language, programming style, coding standard, ontology, taxonomy, OWL-DL.


Application of experience in software engineering plays an important role in improving the efficiency of development and maintenance of software products. Experience is applied through using of software development methods and life cycle models, based on the use of legacy software, and reuse. In connection with distribution of engineering methods of the software development, the models of life cycle, based on component development and reuse, and extreme programming  are put and solved the problems connected with reading of program texts, written on different programming languages and at various times. Application of these methods and models increases the complexity of software and the collective nature of its development and maintenance and requires the use of programming styles. Through collaborative development and reuse, the style has a direct and through training - indirectly related to all processes of the software lifecycle. Application of styles in programming means the improvement of the efficiency of development and maintenance of software. For the first time is proposed a method of application programming style based on ontologies, providing greater efficiency through using of style complete, by the way precise and formal description of the domain ontology and using OWL-DL to automate processes associated with its creation and maintenance. The results of the study programming stylistics domain are presented. The result is the taxonomy. A taxonomy of concepts was used to construct the programming styles ontology. Ontology is a part of the tool that is constructed according to the own method. The tool is created for using in programming processes and called a programmer assistant tool.

Author Biography

Ніка Миколаївна Сидорова, National Aviation University

Postgraduate student of Software Engineering Department of Computer Information Technologies Institute of the National Aviation University. Scientific interests: software engineering, education.


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