Preventive asymmetric strategies in the regional conflicts and war against terrorism


  • Олександр Миколайович Гончаренко Національний авіаційний університет


preventive strategies, crises resolution, asymmetric strategies, libral ethics, International terrorism, regional conflicts


Preventive and asymmetric approach to the international politics is extremely important today. It is a tool number one in the effective national and international security policy and conflict management. On the other hand asymmetric strategies always had been the “favorite instrument” for the international terrorists as well.

Preventive and asymmetric strategies have a lot in common. It is much easier to prevent the terrorist act or acute crisis than to manage them after they have escalated. No less important is the cost-effectiveness question: the budget of only one day of USA operation in Iraq or NATO operation in Afghanistan is roughly equal to this one of all UN peacekeeping operation worldwide for a year. Thus preventive approach implicitly corresponds to the demands of cost effective security organization. But the studies related to crisis prevention, preventive diplomacy or preemptive security contingency planning are still very sketchy and fragmentary

Author Biography

Олександр Миколайович Гончаренко, Національний авіаційний університет

Президент Центру міжнародної безпеки та стратегічних студій (ЦМБСС); Інституту міжнародних відносин; доктор історичних наук; професор кафедри міжнародної інформації


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