Concerning the question on research resources of International seabed area by the business entities of the states


  • Костянтин Лембітович ВАРЕС Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade


The international seabed area, Enterprise, search, resources, state-guarantor, the International Seabed Authority.


The article highlighting the peculiarities of the resources exploitation of the International Seabed Area of business entities, in cooperation with the International Seabed Authority. This question is analyzed at a theoretical level, taking into account the duties and obligations of states, which are entrusted to entities.

Author Biography

Костянтин Лембітович ВАРЕС, Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade

аспірант кафедри міжнародного права


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Правила поиска и разведки полиметаллических конкреций в Районе, принятые Советом Международного органа по морскому дну 13.07.2000 (ISBA/6/C/12).




