Representation of the Cardiomyocytes of the Heart Muscle in the Form of an Electrical Circuit Element




cardiomyocyte, algorithm, ferroelectric, modeling, differential equations


The article considers the simulation approach to describe the electrical functioning of the main heart muscle cell - cardiomyocyte, when instead of describing elements of different nature, whether electronic devices or biological objects, at the microphysical level of model ideas about the structure of matter, they are all considered from a single point of view in the sense that the nature of the application of these devices and objects is determined by the functions implemented at the available external inputs, while the degree of complexity of their internal structure has no significance for the operation of the system they belong to and whose operation is determined. A ferroelectric capacitor was chosen as a meaningful model for studying the mechanism of formation of electrical signals of the cardiomyocyte, because the mathematical description of its operation allows to model both nonlinearity and feedback of electrical processes occurring in the heart muscle. This model was mathematically formalized using the charge transfer equation in a nonlinear inertial system in the form of the balance equation, a delayed differential equation.

Author Biography

Dmitrij Melnikov , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications

Assistance Professor


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