Automated Simulation Encryption Nanodevices




quantum-dots cellular automata, majority gate, D-type flip-flop, shift nanoregister


This article implements the method of automated simulation and design of new non-radiating nanoelectronic encryption modules. Currently, cryptographic equipment is practically not protected from electromagnetic attacks and information decryption, as it is created according to outdated complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor microtechnology. To increase the error-free operation of encryption devices, the article uses a system of automated design of nanodevices based on quantum cellular automata using majoritarian principles of their operation. Automated simulation proved that the consuption of the nanodevices developed in the work does not exceed 3,8´10-23 J. Therefore, unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with the nanodevices developed in the article are completely protected from electromagnetic attacks. The results of automated modeling and verification using a computer design system QCADesigne fully confirmed the effectiveness of introducing single-electron nanodevices into encryption devices of unmanned systems. The proposed logic takes advantage of low power consumption quantum-dot cellular automata together with complicated clocking circuits as a paradigm of nanotechnology advances in encryption engineering.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Melnyk , National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

Associated Professor

Department of Electronics, Robotics, Monitoring & IoT Technologies

Viktoriia Kozarevych , National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer

Department of Electronics, Robotics, Monitoring & IoT Technologies


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