Information Technologies: Physical and Mathematical Models of Detectors for Environment Monitoring Systems




information system, physical model, mathematical model, detector, sensor device, fires, chemical substances


Ecological monitoring is a real need in contemporary world with its growing tendency of environmental industrial pollution. Among such pollutants there are chemicals emanated in fires, explosions and other emergencies, in process of ruining of chemical enterprises, enterprises of oil and gas cycle, and etc. Some information systems for appropriate monitoring were described briefly in this article together with incorporated hybrid system of electronic chemical pollution detectors that were able to input information to such systems. In previous works of the authors the necessity of development of two types of such detectors with specified properties were substantiated: biosensors and detectors with elements – artificially elaborated selective membranes. This article describes the second type of detectors. The proposed detectors were able to detect harmful chemicals in the environment in the air and water phases; development of such devices was based on the theory of membrane systems. The detectors contained sensor elements covered with chemo-sensitive specific coatings – layers of substances: membranes, films, etc. When in contact with certain chemicals, these detectors demonstrate the properties of chemo-sensitivity and primary identification of such compounds. These studies were aimed on developing detectors of various environmental pollutants based on the theory that can be used as a basis for the detection of such substances. The works were based on a deep study of membrane systems with further development of physical and mathematical models of some substances detection taking into account basic chemical and physical properties of artificial and natural membranes, as well as their ionic selectivity. Some results of mathematical modeling of such detectors with artificial membranes – chemo-sensitive surfaces – were described in the article.  Summarizing the previous experience, a brief review of authors’ publications in these items was done, as well as the works of some other authors. The purpose of the work was, basing on profound studying of artificial membrane systems, to suggest them as physical model and summarize the experience of development of their mathematical models.

Author Biographies

Olena Klyuchko, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Department of Electronics, Robotics, Monitoring and IoT Technologies

Candidate of Science (Вiophysics). Associate Professor. Senior researcher

Vladimir Shutko, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Department of Electronics, Robotics, Monitoring and IoT Technologies

Candidate of Science (Вiophysics). Associate Professor. Senior researcher

Olena Kolganova , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Software Engineering Department

Candidate of Science (Engineering). Assistant Professor

Alina Lizunova , Luxoft Global Operations GmbH, Kyiv

Magister (Computing Sciences)

Senior software developer

Denis Navrotskyi , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Department of Electronics, Robotics, Monitoring and IoT Technologies

Candidate of Science (Engineering).  Associate Professor


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