The Computer Simulation Features in Modern Biotechnical Systems




biotechnical systems, biosignal, computer modeling, structural modeling, functional solver, electrophysiological signal


The article is devoted to the issues of the features of computer structural modeling of bio- and physiological systems of the human body. It has been established that most of the elements of a living organism and biological processes occurring in them are formalized using integral-differential equations of higher orders, the analytical solution of which is difficult. As modeling components of biotechnical systems and complexes, it is proposed to use circuitry implementation of a wide class of functional solvers based on functional circuits of operational amplifiers, which makes it possible to observe and study the dynamics of parameters of a biological object and bioprocesses in the visual modeling environment in the form of their mathematical models in real time.

Author Biographies

Karyna Bezvershniuk, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Department of Biocybernetics and Aerospace Medicine

Assistant. Graduate student

Oleg Melnykov, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Department of  Biocybernetics and Aerospace Medicine

Candidate of Science (Engineering). Associate Professor


E. P. Pepechitelev, “Problems of Synthesis of Biotechnical Systems,” Scientific Review. Technical science, no. 2, pp. 54–62, 2016.

URL: view?id=1080. pokazateli_funktsionalnogo_sostoyaniya_organizma cheloveka;

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