Image Depth Evaluation System by Stream Video



stereo vision, disparity map, depth map, calibration, rectification


The paper considers the method of estimating the depth of streaming video. An algorithm for obtaining a depth map using the method of image separation is proposed, which can be used in various fields of technology and industry to determine the object and calculate the distance to it. The debugging algorithm and the process of its adaptation to specific used external devices and software have been developed. Two Urchin Tracking Module Webcams (SJ-922-1080) were used for the experimental setup with the following characteristics: video resolution – FullHD (1920x1080), sensor – complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor, field of view – 90°, autofocus, frame rate per second – 20. Developed program code for these cameras in the MatLab environment and its adaptation algorithm for any other cameras of similar resolution. An experimental study of the algorithm.

Author Biographies

Mykola Vasylenko , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes Department

Candidate of Science (Engineering). Senior lecturer

Oleksii Sych , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes Department



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