Uasage of Artificial Vortices for Research of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Aircraft




vortices, wind tunnel, aerodynamic characteristics, aerodynamic profile model, experiment


This article solves the problem of widening the range of the angle of the attack of safe flight using volumetric vortex generators. The research method is based on experimental tests in the wind tunnel. Analyzing the obtained results allows us to research changes in the integrated aerodynamic characteristics. The features of the experimental test are described. The volumetric vortex generators of three types for the definite blowing model are represented. A comparative analysis of the aerodynamic characteristics of the profile model in the form of graphical dependencies is represented. The graphs show the change in the aerodynamic force coefficients in the speed coordinate system. The visualization of airflow was carried out. Volume vortex generators are described. A description of the experiment in the wind tunnel is given. The analysis of the obtained results has been carried out. Layouts of profile models with lateral screens are represented. The obtained results can be useful for aircraft of a wide class especially for unmanned aerial vehicles. The results can be used in synthesis control laws in disturbed stabilization and control systems.

Author Biographies

Oleksander Zhdanov , National Aviation University, Kyiv

This article solves the problem of widening the range of the angle of the attack of safe flight using volumetric vortex generators. The research method is based on experimental tests in the wind tunnel. Analyzing the obtained results allows us to research changes in the integrated aerodynamic characteristics. The features of the experimental test are described. The volumetric vortex generators of three types for the definite blowing model are represented. A comparative analysis of the aerodynamic characteristics of the profile model in the form of graphical dependencies is represented. The graphs show the change in the aerodynamic force coefficients in the speed coordinate system. The visualization of airflow was carried out. Volume vortex generators are described. A description of the experiment in the wind tunnel is given. The analysis of the obtained results has been carried out. Layouts of profile models with lateral screens are represented. The obtained results can be useful for aircraft of a wide class especially for unmanned aerial vehicles. The results can be used in synthesis control laws in disturbed stabilization and control systems.

Olha Sushchenko , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Doctor of Engineering


Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications

Valerii Orlianskyi , National Aviation University, Kyiv


Aerospace Faculty


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