BAFUNet: Hybrid U-Net for Segmentation of Spine MR Images




hybrid neural network architecture, convolutional neural network, U-Net, image segmentation, spine MRI


The paper presents the development of a hybrid neural network architecture, BAFUNet, designed for the segmentation of spine MR images in the context of medical diagnostics. The architecture builds upon the classical U-Net, integrating atrous spatial pyramid pooling module in the bottleneck and a two-round fusion module in the skip connections to address challenges such as various object scales and unclear boundaries in medical images. The work describes the design of the proposed BAFUNet architecture, its implementation, and the experimental results. A comparative analysis was performed against classical U-Net and ResUNet++, demonstrating the relationship between the proposed architectural enhancements and segmentation performance. The evaluation was carried out using Dice score and Jaccard score metrics on the SPIDER dataset, a publicly available lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging dataset. The results indicate that the BAFUNet architecture achieves a slight but consistent improvement in segmentation performance, with an average Dice Score increase of 0.003–0.005 compared to baseline models, highlighting its potential applicability in automated medical diagnostics.

Author Biographies

Victor Sineglazov , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Doctor of Engineering Science


Head of the Department of Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes

Faculty of Air Navigation Electronics and Telecommunications

Olena Chumachenko , National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,”

Doctor of Engineering Science


Department of Artificial Intelligence, Educational and Research Institute for Applied System Analysis

Oleksandr Pokhylenko , National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,”

Master of Computer Science

Department of Artificial Intelligence

Educational and Research Institute for Applied System Analysis


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