Method of Planning and Coordination of Robot Movement Using Neural Networks for Solution of Dynamic Production Scenarios




machine learning, neural networks, motion planning system, intelligent system


The purpose of the study is to develop an approach to planning the trajectory of a robot manipulator using an intelligent system based on neural networks. For this purpose, the work considered the processes of planning and deploying the movement of the robot. The analysis of existing methods of planning the movement of robot manipulators and the review of intelligent control systems provided a comprehensive picture of the current state of this issue. A system is proposed that can perceive the environment and controls the movement of the robot by generating correct control commands. For this purpose, 3 tasks were solved, namely, the analysis of the environment in order to determine its features, the determination of the trajectory in order to neutralize the collision, and the determination of controlled influences for the executive bodies in order to implement the movement. The functionality and structure of the neural network for solving each of the tasks is proposed. The proposed approach is compared with existing approaches on key parameters, such as the execution time of the planned movement and the time of calculating the movement trajectory. The results confirmed that the use of neural network to optimize the trajectory and dynamic prediction to avoid obstacles significantly increased the adaptability of the system to the changing conditions of the production environment, which opens up new opportunities for improving automated processes and providing optimal conditions for the functioning of manipulator robots in real-time.

Author Biographies

Victor Sineglazov , National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Engineering Science

Professor. Head of the Department

Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes Department

Faculty of Air Navigation Electronics and Telecommunications

Volodymyr Khotsyanovsky , National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Post-graduate Student

Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications


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