Intelegence Design of Hybrid Vertical-axis Rotors




automatic control system, Savonius rotor, Darrieus rotor, wind turbine, genetic algorithm, ANSYS


The work is devoted to the necessity of creating the vertical-axis rotors of wind power stations in the urban area, which can be placed on roofs and makes it possible to increase their energy productivity by 60-70%. It is shown that the locations of such rotors on roofs has its own characteristics, which consists in the need to take into account the shape of the topography of the house, its storey, the direction and speed of the winds above it, and others. Examples of implementation of wind farms are considered and it is proven that their energy efficiency can be increased due to the use of hybrid vertical-axis rotors, which consist of a combination of Darrieus and Savonius rotors, where the Darrieus rotor is the main source(s) of wind energy conversion into the electric one, while the Savonius rotor(s) provide the acceleration of the Darrieus rotors. For the implementation it has been used the genetic algorithm. An inelegance design system has been developed. An example of the application of this system for the design of a hybrid rotor is given.

Author Biographies

Victor Sineglazov , National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Engineering Science


Head of the Department Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes 

Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications

Oleksandr Stanislavchuk , National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine


Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes Department

Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications


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