Damped Micromechanical Hyrovertical


  • Мykola Filyashkin National Aviation University, Kyiv
  • Oleg Smirnov National Aviation University, Kyiv




іntegration, compensation scheme, speed correction, strapdown inertial navigation system


The article considers the methods for vertical gyro construction on rough microelectromechanical elements, such as: angular velocity sensors and accelerometers. It is proposed to improve the accuracy of the microelectromechanical vertical gyro by combining it with a satellite navigation system. The solutions proposed in the article make it possible to improve the accuracy of the integrated vertical gyro based on micromechanical technologies, by the means of complex data processing that uses a compensation scheme with the latest dynamic filter, which practically does not distort the errors of the strapdown inertial microelectromechanical vertical gyro, and thus obtain an estimate of the ground speed as close to the true speed as possible. Based on the obtained estimate, it is proposed to construct a scheme of the vertical gyro speed correction (damping scheme), which would significantly improve the accuracy of estimation of the angular orientation’s parameters.

Author Biographies

Мykola Filyashkin , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Candidate of Science (Engineering). Professor

Department of Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes

Oleg Smirnov, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Candidate of Science (Engineering). Assocsate Professor

Department of Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes


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MPU-6050 Six-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer) MEMS MotionTracking™ Devices https://www.invensense. com/products/motion-tracking/6-axis/mpu-6050/

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